Westley's 4th Birthday Party

Our niece Penelope playing!
Our other niece Callie pretending to drive!

Birthday cards!

Callie Rose again.

Our Ezra giving Westley a toy to play with.

Uncle Cameron!

Aunt Jen

Ezra playing with the Balloon !

Westley looking at the balloon. (with his matching Zeke & Mommy Batman tattoo)

Zoe looking at the Balloon. (Not really, I think shes looking at mom but balloon was more fun)

Penelope is going to pop the ballon with her fork. :)

Zeke is "oh boying" the popped balloon.

Westley and his frosting lips.

They have the "Ha" face on of the Happy Birthday Song.

Im not sure what face to call this.

He sees the cup cake.

Grammie and the 4 year old.

The first wave of children.

Say cheese Penelope, NO you says cheese.

The most handsome Buz I've ever seen.

Zo Zo and See See (WEstley) matched.

HUm..... nose to nose
and more

The party hasn't even started and he looks so tired.